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C. Marina Marchese

C. Marina Marchese is the international best-selling author of The Honey Connoisseur: Selecting, Tasting and Pairing Honey with a Guide to More than 30 Varietals, Honey for Dummies and her personal journey into beekeeping Honeybee: Lessons from an Accidental Beekeeper.

She is the first U.S. citizen to be accepted into the Italian National Register of Experts in the Sensory Analysis of Honey, where she received her formal training. Marina is the founder of the American Honey Tasting Society, an educational organization that teaches the Italian method of tasting and evaluating varietal honey.

A graduate of The School of Visual Arts in NYC, Marina enjoys combining her passion for honey with her designing and illustration skills.

An Interview with Chef Silvia Baldini

Our contributor and honey expert, C. Marina Marchese, sat down with Chef Silvia Baldini to discuss her new cookbook.

November 28, 2023