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Joanna Moeller

Hello. My name is Joanna Moeller, and I am a passionate home cook residing in downtown Manhattan for 20+ years. I started my Instagram cooking page @spaghettiroots_nyc in April, 2023, as a way to showcase my cooking, as I initially intended for it to be more of an inspirational cooking page featuring my “No recipe, recipes.” It has truly been a wonderfully creative outlet for me.

Grilled Spicy Swordfish Caponata as a Nod to Sicily

Our contributor taps her Italian roots to create a recipe where grilled swordfish is topped with a spicy caponata.

July 25, 2024

How to Use Summer Clams to Make Linguini alle Vongole

Our contributor shares a recipe for a quintessential Italian pasta for summer featuring clams fresh from the sea.

July 23, 2024