In a panel discussion Tuesday (1/28) at the Italian Trade Agency’s offices in New York City, Appetito’s Co-founder and Editor-in-Chief Andrew Cotto hosted industry experts to discuss three essential Italian products: Extra Virgin Olive Oil, Balsamic Vinegar, and Mineral Water.
The discussion was part of the agency's "ITA Talks" series, which promotes, through panel discussions and dining, Italian gastronomic products available in America. Tuesday marked the first in a series of monthly occasions, over the first half of 2025, where Appetito will serve as the co-host of such events.

Last Tuesday, Appetito and the ITA welcomed industry experts Raffaele De Nigris of Acetificio De Nigris, Joseph Profaci of the North American Olive Oil Association, and Gregory Di Mattino of Lurisia USA. The panelists were joined by Chef Fabrizio Facchini, of the Association of Italian Chefs in New York, who participates in the ITA Talks discussions and prepares a curated tasting menu, highlighting the featured products, for each event.

The evening began with a reception in the stately foyer of the Italian Trade Agency's townhouse. Cocktails of Prosecco and Manhattan's were served and small bites offered, each enhanced by the Balsamic Vinegar of Acetificio De Negris.
The subsequent discussion in the parlor space was introduced by Raimondo Lucariello, ITA's Head of Food and Wine Division, before ceding the floor to Cotto who prompted each panelist to speak of their product, opening an engaging dialogue that was both informative and intriguing, shedding light on each important product in particular and Italian gastronomy in general.

The panel discussion was followed by an expansive buffet offering prepared by Chef Facchini with support from Chef Damiano Rosella and additional staff.
The next ITA Talks evening will be February 18th with a focus on pasta.
Editor's note: This post was sponsored by ITA.